What’s the purpose of this website?

I would like to welcome everyone to “Why I ‘Chose’ Islam”! The idea behind this website is to share as many short articles as possible, each with a reason as to why I “chose” Islam. The articles are only 1-2 minutes reads.

The idea is to create an encyclopedia that can hopefully be used by many. I want this site to have hundreds, if not thousands, of articles! Whether you are someone in your teens or 50’s, Muslim or non-Muslim, I hope that this resource benefits for generations to come. I hope it is something you can share with your friends and children so they can learn quick and interesting facts and develop a rich way of thinking.

My disclaimer is that when you are reading, to be humble and open-minded. Do not read for the sake of arguing. And as you go through the articles, let’s see if you understand why I put the word “chose” in quotes.

If you have any suggestions or ideas for articles, please, please, please let me know!

Thank you!